#1085 Red Lion, Litton

19th March 2018

Dire warnings about imminent freezing over of the already treacherous ground conditions were ignored as our troopers converged on this excellent venue. Derbyshire was well represented, with the girls outnumbering the boys as we plodded warily in the direction of Tideswell through mountainous snowdrifts. It was clear that the icepicks and crampons with which we were all well equipped would soon be put to purpose. The more so as an abrupt change in direction by the stand-in hare, Chris, brought us foot to foot with a drift-blocked path before hooking us back round a circuit of the village and off in the general direction of Miller’s Dale.
A well earned rest
It soon became apparent that the main feature of the ground conditions was not snow and ice but  turds spread by the local farmer to sweeten pasture. A clearly confused hare resorted to lots of pointy arrows to overcome his navigational errors and a tantalising glimpse of light was spotted in Ravensdale. Alas by the time we had been Loose Shunted into a siding he’d made good his escape.
Cressbrook provided amusement with a sharp fall down to the road, amply captured by our camera team, at which point  the ice picks were found to be redundant and we all wished for Trunks’ waterproof socks as we plodged through mud along Cressbrookdale and up t’other side of Ravensdale. Capt. Colon celebrated reaching the summit by surfing a half pipe of snow and we were jolly grateful to descend in one piece to the valley floor. Here was found a First Class Buffet of a HR with only the best china and teapot missing. Crystal Tips and Steamy Knickers  were seen sharing the leftovers as we waded through the crystal clear waters and struggled up some old snow-filled Lead Rake and back to the pub.
First class HR - Scones with jam and cream!
Here it was that we were asked if one Tony Middleton was with us? When we remembered who Trunks was thoughts turned to Wetton. Perhaps Staffordshire Constabulary had crossed the border with a warrant out for him? Happily it was only some tired and emotional local who had worked down t’pit with him for 40 years.
On On, Smittie

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