1367. 30th Sep - Cummingtonite & Milkmaid; The Rising Sun, Nethergreen

A Tale of Two Hashes

T’was a rainy night when a party of five set off from Crookes to see what our intrepid hares had in store for us. Sure as the sun rises Gloworm and G-String (complete with new lighting, sleek black Petzl, choice of champions) were eagerly awaiting the rest of the pack outside the Rising Sun.

It was rumoured that an advance party had already set off, but due to no kicked out checks this was surely a forlorn hope. Off we set around the back of the shops, currently unhandled Toby led the way and did some fancy spotting of ‘rain distressed’ flour.

                                                     Nothing could rile tonight's trail

The pack made its way cautiously alongside Hangingwater Allotments and Whitely woods, there was a high risk of trail loss, fortunately we had honed our skills on MTB’s previous hashes. We proceeded gingerly up through Bluebell woods discovering new path after new path, even lost lad stayed close by on this dark damp evening.

We eventually hit suburbia briefly and on to Bents Road, a weirdly wide road where cars refuse to pass each other but rather give way. There was a brief attempt by two cars to pass, à la normal motoring, but this ended in honks and screeches. At Haugh Lane it was a case of hashers' anticipation and hares' dilemma, Eccy woods or on towards Whirlow?

Whirlow it was and on we ambled, wondering; where were the lost hashers, would there be snacks, would it ever stop raining?  (Mincer had previously answered this in a fairly average attempt at whit on the Hash thread, 07:30 on Tuesday was the answer).

We made our way between Birkdale and Silverdale Schools finally coming out again on Ringinglow road.  Slightly up hill and to the left Toby appeared to be moon walking,  kicking out a check, or possibly rubbing poop off his shoes, with little else to go on we all followed him down Common lane and back towards the Porter Valley.

The scent of home was within us now and the pace picked up, such was Captain Morgan’s thirst that he took a short cut and likely got lost.  At Forge Dam playground we cut right and back down the valley, fond memories surfaced of Prof’s tale of riding headfirst into the river here, no serious damage done though!! 

At this point Captain Morgan proved that all shortcuts were the work of sinners and reappeared having gained no advantage whatsoever.  A drenched cyclist also appeared to tell us that a Tsunami had hit Bingham Park and that we should avoid it, he then carried on towards the source of the floods on his gravel bike.

The tail runners made the final ascent back toward Fulwood Road then it was on on down towards the pub. The rest of the pack, the Hares and the snacks awaited us. There had been a few potential sightings of other hashers but as they were not yet back, we feared the worst….in that they had not come out, not that they had disappeared in the Bingham Park Tsunami…for clarity.

It hardly seemed worth bringing out the diary and the night would have reached its natural conclusion except for, one by one, they started to appear, firstly Trunks, then Fishbait, Barnaby, Smittie and finally, on an after-party only ticket, was 15 mile Jinx. The diary duly appeared and a few holes in the calendar were plugged. The alternative hashers didn’t elaborate too much on where they had been or comment on their poor pace but perhaps their digital signatures may offer a clue:

                             A Team Route                                                       B Team Route -  Don't Dilly Dally on the way

All in all a good night, those who braved the floods were grateful they did, thanks to the hares who also braved the floods and the criticism to set us an interesting trail. For their endeavours they have been offered places on the Hash Management Training Scheme and are the current custodians of the diary.  They are keen so you may get tap on the shoulder requesting that you set.                                                   

Reunited finally!!

On on,

Sticky Shaft

Afterthought….in true diva style, presumably to avoid the paparazzi and unwanted attention of Tilly, Lost Lad was carried out under a towel, possibly a John Lewis number, and escorted to his waiting limo where he became the first dog to sit in the boot. Tilly meanwhile sat quietly in disbelief that she had had to run with the B Team…

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